June 20, 2011

steam source dedicated server

Setting up a Steam Source Dedicated Server


To run the Steam Source Dedicated Server you will first need to install Steam. To install Steam click the link below: A Steam Source Dedicated Server requires Steam. You may download and install Steam from: Download Steam
After installing Steam, you must create a Steam account to run your dedicated server. This is separate from the Steam account you normally use to play games. If you attempt to run a dedicated server from your normal Steam account, you will not be able to join your server using the same account.


You do not need to register any games to your server account in order to host games.
(Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, Half-Life 2:Deathmatch)

Menu Options

Counter-Strike:Source Half-Life 2:Deathmatch Day of Defeat:Source
Server Name
This is the title of your server. By default it is the name of the game you are hosting.
This option is grayed out until you start the server.
Specify Internet or LAN . Select Internet if you wish for people to be able to join your game from another location.
Max Players
Specifies the maximum number of people that can play on your server. Range: 1-32
UDP Port
Specifies the port you would like your server to use. Default: 27015
RCON Password
Set a password for remote access to the server.
Secure (Valve Anti-Cheat)
Checked : VAC enabled on the server Unchecked : VAC disabled on the server
After adjusting the server to your liking, press the Start Server button.
You can change all of the following values without restarting the server:
  • Server Name
  • Map
  • Network
  • RCON Password
  • Player Password
  • Map Cycle
To edit a value, double-click on its name.
The Main tab includes many of the settings you specified when starting the server, but there are also two new settings you can specify:
Player Password
Specifies a password players must enter in order to play on your server. This is a good option to implement if you wish to play only with your friends.
Map Cycle
Specifies the maps you wish to play and the order in which they appear. The maps will cycle according to either your Map time limit or Max win settings available from the Configuretab.
From the Configure tab, you may specify how your server runs and implement various server rules.

Menu Settings

Time limit
Specifies a time limit on each map. Default no limit
Win limit(rounds)
Specifies a limit on wins one team can have before a map change. Default no limit
Round limit(rounds)
Specifies a limit for the number of rounds you play on each map. Default no limit
Time per round(minutes)
Specifies the amount of time each round lasts. Default 5 minutes
Freeze time(seconds)
Specifies the amount of time before a round starts. Default 6 seconds
Buy Time(minutes)
Specifies the amount of time a buy zone is active. Default 1.5 minutes
Starting Money
Specifies the amount of money each team starts with. Default $800
Specifies whether players can hear footsteps of other players. Default enabled
Death camera type
Specifies players’ Camera view after dying. Values 
Spectate Anyone
A player can watch any other player in the game.
Spectate team only
A player can watch only his own team players in the game.
Only First Person
A player can only move the camera to look in different locations while bound to where the player died. The player cannot follow other players, or move about the map freely.
Default Spectate anyone

Disable chase/death cam (fade to black)

Death cam will fade to black.
Default disabled

Friendly fire

Players can injure players on their own team.
Default disabled

Kill Team killers round after TK

Specifies whether a player who kills a teammate will be killed at spawn time on the next round.
Default disabled

Kick idle and team killing (3TKs) players

Players who have not moved for a set amount of time will be kicked from the server, Players who have killed 3 or more teammates will be kicked from the server.
Default enabled

Kick players who team kill at this early in the round (seconds)

Specifies the amount of time that the server will kick a player for killing a team member at the beginning of a round.
Default 5

Kick hostage killers (kills allowed, 0 is off)

Specifies the number of hostages a player can kill before being kicked from the server.
Default 13

Allow Flashlight

Flashlight can be used by players.
Default disabled
The Steam Dedicated Server offers a variety of viewable statistics. You can view statistics from the most recent minute, hour, or day. To add a stat to the view, check its box on the right-hand side of the dialog box.
You can change the Vertical Units to display the range of any one of these stats.

Display Options

Display player number statistics
Display server ping
Display ping in
Display ping out
Display CPU usage
Display frames per second
The Players tab displays all players currently on your server. In addition to viewing players, you can also kick them from your server or ban them from your server.
Kicking a player will drop the player from your server.
You have the option to temporarily, or permanently ban players from your server. You can manually enter an IP address or use the players’ Steam ID to ban them from your server.
The Bans tab allows you to manage those bans that are in place on your server. You can remove a ban or edit the ban’s time limit. To remove a ban, set the time value to 0.00 by double clicking the ID you would like to unban. The ban will no longer be visible after the server is restarted.
The console will print activity on the server, such as players joining or leaving the server, players being kicked, banned, etc…
You can also enter server console commands:
addip <minutes> <IP>
Bans a player by IP address for a specified number of minutes. Entering 0 for minutes is a permanent ban.
banid <minutes> <SteamID>
Bans a player by SteamID for a specified number of minutes. Entering 0 for minutes is a permanent ban.
banid <minutes> <SteamID>
kick Bans a player by SteamID for a specified number of minutes and kicks them from the server. Entering 0 for minutes is a permanent ban.
changelevel <map>
Changes the server to the specified map. For a full list of maps, type: maps * in the console.
dropclient <UserID>
Kicks a client by their UserID. To find a full list of UserID’s on the server, type: users in the console.
Manually sends a heartbeat to the master server.
info <SteamID>
Displays user information about the requested client based on SteamID.
kick <Player> or <UserID>
Kicks a user by Player name, or UserID. To find a full list of UserID’s on the server, type:users in the console.
Lists all SteamIDs in your server ban list.
Lists all IP addresses in your server ban list.
maps <partial name>
Lists all maps containing a partial name, for example: maps de_ would list all maps with de_in their name.

quality dedicated server

Dedicated Server Packages from Top-Rated Web Hosts

Have you wondered if you needed dedicated server hosting for your business's website? If you think you might need a dedicated server, you are probably wondering what options you have for finding a cheap dedicated server. There are many different options out there for dedicated servers, but first you need to see if a dedicated server is what you need.

What Is A Dedicated Server

Dedicated server hosting is hosting where the client is in control of an entire server. The server is not shared with any other customer or client. The client may rent or even own their server. However the client pays for their web hosting dedicated server, the important thing, however, is that they have complete control. The server, software, and Internet connection are exclusively used by the client. No one else has access to these features.

The hosting dedicated server is usually housed in a web hosting facility, not at the business that owns it. The server will be configured to be operated remotely by the client. This eliminates the need to have a physical server computer at the business. Dedicated server web hosting is ideal for clients who expect large traffic volume as they will not have to compete for bandwidth.

Top Dedicated Web Servers

If you have a high-traffic website that would benefit from a dedicated web server, you are probably wondering where to find a low cost dedicated server. There are many domain name dedicated servers that offer affordable options to their clients.


iPower's dedicated server costs $79.00, and offers 40 GB of disk space with 500 GB of bandwidth. Their server features an Intel Celeron 2.4 GHz processor, with 256 MB DDR RAM and an 80 GB hard-drive. iPower gives their customers the ability to design their website themselves, while leaving iPower staff the duties of managing performance and networking.


midPhase's dedicated server is priced at $179.95 per month. They offer 80 GB of disk space and 750 GB of bandwidth. They have an Intel Pentium 4 2.4 processor that has 512 MB of RAM. They do charge a one-time $59.95 setup fee. They offer free domain registration for the life of your website, and 24/7 email and phone support if you have a problem.

1and1 Hosting

1and1 Hosting offers a dedicated server option for $99.00 per month. They offer 40 GB of disk space with 1000 GB of bandwidth. They have an Intel Celeron 2.0 GHz processor, with 512 MB DDR Ram. They operate on Linux, and offer 24/7 phone and email customer support.


StartLogic also offers dedicated server hosting, and it is priced at $99.00 per month. For this price the customer receives 80 GB of disk space and 1500 GB of bandwidth. They use a Celeron 2.8 processor that has 512 MB of RAM. They allow their customers to choose from either Linux of Windows operating systems. 

source multiplayer dedicated server

How to Set Up a Dedicated Server for HLDM:S
This is the simplest way to setup a dedicated server for Half-Life Deathmatch: Source that anyone will be able to join.
Posted by InSovietRussia on May 30th, 2010
Basic Server Tools.
This is the simplest and easiest way to set up a dedicated server for Half-Life Deathmatch:Source.
Note: You Must Own Half-Life Source/Half Life Deathmatch:Source to do this.
1. Download Source Dedicated Server - If you do not already have this on steam, go and download it. It is free and is in the tools section of your main steam window.
2. Go and download GCFScape - Download just the installer here.
3. Extract the GCFs - Extract all the files from the GCF files half-life source.gcf and half life deathmatch source.gcf, which are located here: C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/
Extract these files into the following folder: C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/YOURUSERNAME/source dedicated server/
Note: If you have a 64 bit operating system like I do, then "Program Files" will be "Program Files (x86)" because Steam is a 32 bit application.
4. Launch Your Server: Go to your steam main window and go to the tools section. Click on Source Dedicated Server, which you should of installed earlier, and wait for it to load. Select under the "game" menu "HALF-LIFE: Deathmatch". Then choose your map and other server options and, finally, launch your server!
It's that simple!

June 13, 2011

Dedicated hosting

Dedicated hosting - Facebook

hosting managed server

Are you going to mark your presence over the large universe of the internet? Are you confused how to make the initial? Well, move on with exchange server hosting in India. As web hosting is the primary step everyone needs to follow in order to make an online presence, proper importance should be given on this aspect.

When it comes to server hosting then among all types of hosting exchange server hosting comes on a distinct position. If you own a business and want to make a website for business purpose then exchange server hosting would be the right choice for you. No matter whether you own a small sized business or a large one, your need of web server hosting services will be perfectly fulfilled with the exchange server hosting.

The hosted exchange server facilitates the businesses by simplifying the buying and selling process through the website. This type of hosting service is designed in such a way that delivers improved performance and greater profits in the long term.

The primary advantages of hosted exchange server are discussed hereunder, which will help you to make the right decision whether this type of hosting service would be benefitted for you or not.

  • Through hosted exchange server you will be able to improve the performance of your business within a short period of time.
  • Through this technology you can easily implement new technologies and that too without facing any kind of interruption
  • With hosted exchange server you will not have to worry about the security and maintenance aspects
  • Moreover, the exchange server hosting services enable you to save your precious time and effort. As much lesser hassles are associated with this kind of hosting service you can stay cool with the services.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/web-hosting-articles/dedicated-server-hostingmanaged-server-hostingweb-hosting-india-2037660.html#ixzz1PA1CBUrb
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

dedicated host server

To choose the right dedicated server web hosing, you have two possibilities – Linux or Windows dedicated server. Both of them got some advantages and disadvantages but after all it is all in your hand. We will pay attention to both servers so you can decide which one justifies your needs more.

Let us start with this that Windows is a property of Microsoft, so the programs you are about to use should be purchased. On the other hand Linux is completely free which makes it cheaper. If you are a businessman this fact won't disturb you because the price is not that high, but if you want a dedicated server web hosting for your private needs then it is all different – you should pick up Linux in order to give less money. Some of the people who are not very familiar with this technology think that if their computer runs Windows they have to buy a Windows dedicated server – that is not true. No matter what your operation system is you can pick up Linux or Windows dedicated server – this does not matter. Having in mind the internet features which run on both systems – POP3, mySQL, PHP, you should decide which will be in your favor. For example if you want to use .net environment or ASP, Windows is your choice because Linux does not support them.

Talking about reliability we should mention that Windows is often considered as more insecure – the reason for this is that Microsoft's operation system is used all over the world by the average user. In that case Linux is more secured but after all, everything depends on the system administrators. The good point about dedicated server web hosting here is that there is not a big difference in performance at all. Judging by the above mention you should be able to decide what type of server you want. Take a look at our offers because we can ensure you a very good providing no matter if it Linux dedicated or Windows dedicated. If you have any complains, it is time to change your provider – we can guarantee you that our support and quality of the service is remarkable.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/web-hosting-articles/dedicated-server-web-hosting-it-is-all-in-your-hands-2810439.html#ixzz1PA0vRjTC
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

linux dedicated server web hosting

Your website needs dedicated server hosting so that it can function as an independent entity. The service ensures that the website has autonomy over the server and gets to take every feature that is available through the service. Some of these features in the web hosting India include the likes of 320 GB STA Drive; 2 GB RAM; 3,000 GB Bandwidth; Single Hop Dual Server; 75 per cent increased efficiency and faster work ability. All these features that get packed into the web hosting service package provided by India augurs well and ensures that the requirements are met well and serve the purpose.

Linux Dedicated Hosting Services are offered cheap in India. The services are provided to every aspiring establishment trying to launch a website and looking forward to a flexible server where the site can be hosted. This server supports a lot of applications and operating systems. The hosting solutions make the website comfortable and let it flow well. The operational structure of the website seldom has a problem with the host ensuring paramount security.

Linux has steadily risen to become one of the best operating systems in the world. It is undoubtedly the most preferred choice when it comes to web serving and web applications for Linux dedicated servers. The control panels provided in the Linux dedicated server hosting service help the end user control the server completely and dictate the operational feature available on the website. Since Linux is written in open software code, it becomes easy for the website administrators to make modifications.

Unlike its contemporary, Linux supports every application that is used and run on it. It is a very flexible operating system and lets the end user have his way on the OS. This ensures that whatever applications users wish to run on the server can be done. They can be done so without any particular anomaly coming in and handled well. Web users hiring these services from veteran web hosting services providers in India will always have the advantage of doing exceptionally well and will get to go the distance.

The reasons behind cheap Linux web hosting services being provided in India are the requirement and low cost involved. There are many websites that keep getting launched everyday and they look for flexibility. The Linux Operating System offers them this service. The cost involved in hosting a website is low, and hence, the quote made by the service provider also goes down in comparison. The best part of it is that the server is able to host a lot of applications. Due to this, the end user has the liberty to go on hosting as many applications as he feel like, including complex ones.

Approach any good web hosting services provider in India and avail it. You get the features that are promised in the package and will be quite pleased with what is being given to you. The features will be there, and so will be the quality.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/web-hosting-articles/linux-dedicated-cheap-web-hosting-services-india-3030964.html#ixzz1PA0aWkC0
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

dedicated servers wiki

Wiki websites have over the last few years grown quite significantly in both numbers and popularity. Wiki websites are basically websites that allow public postings, as well as in-browser editing and contributing from the general or target public. To simplify, it is a way to share anything from an article (like those seen at Wikipedia.org) to how-to's (like on Wikihow), which crowd sources for contributions.

Wiki websites can contain many features, which makes advice a case by case basis but the general minimum requirement is an environment enriched with PHP and MySQL. Generally the average wiki could get by smoothly with just a shared host, in fact the majority of wikis do just that, but if you reach the level of Wikipedia.org or have massive amounts of media or other large files that would exceed the limits set by a shared host then dedicated hosting is probably the best solution.

An alternative to maintaining your own host is to use what is called a wiki farm. Wiki farms are similar to free hosting, except that they work specifically for wiki websites, and are not always free. Wiki farms are great for trying your hand at the creation of a wiki page or for exploring the popularity of your specific page, but for anyone looking to make a profit and/or publish a professional and unique website you're best off steering clear. Wiki sites have a lot in common with other sites depending on what is published; for example if your wiki site focuses on media, you will find that the requirements are similar to a media based website.

All in all, when it comes to hosting a wiki page every scenario is different, but the norm is to go with shared hosting with at least PHP and MySQL.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/web-hosting-articles/hosting-for-a-wiki-website-3786710.html#ixzz1PA0KBVV7
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

windows 2003 dedicated hosting

Dedicated server hosting which is also known as dedicated hosting service is a kind of internet hosting service; which supports a client to lease the entire server without having a share with anyone. These kinds of hosting are much more flexible than the other shared internet hosting, as organizations usually have full control and command over the server, including the choices of operating systems and hardware, etc. An administration of server can be provided by internet hosting companies as add-on service. But in few cases the dedicated server hosting offers less overhead as well as a massive return on investment. The dedicated servers are often housed in data centers, which are similar to the co-location facilities, providing HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning) systems and redundant power sources. In contrast to co-location, the window server hardware is usually owned by the providers and in some cases these server hardware provides support for operating systems or their applications.

Dedicated server hosting providers utilize extreme security measures in order to ensure the safety of the data stored on server's network. Providers often deploy various software programs for scanning networks and systems for obtrusive invaders, hackers, spammers and other harmful viruses such as Trojans, crashers (sending multiple connections) and worms. Windows and Linux use different kinds of software for the security protections of operating system and servers.

Connectivity and Bandwidth:

Data transfer rate or Bandwidth is the amount of data transferred from one point to another in a given time period say a second and is represented in bits per second (bit/s). For example, visitors to your web site, servers utilize bandwidth as the traffic moves from one server to the internet and vice versa. The connectivity is usually refers to the "access providers" and it supplies data transfer rate, through a wide range of connection points across a network or a footprint to one or more than one data centers where dedicated server hosting are housed. Data transfer rate measurements of dedicated server hosting are defined by per telecom standards whish are described below:

First bandwidth – 95th the transfer rate is measured by using average bits; second bandwidth – Unmetered which is measured in bits or speed; third bandwidth– measured in bytes transferred and it is usually refers to total transfer measured.

Windows dedicated servers:

There is another server hosting that is windows dedicated servers which offers a visual interface having click and point server management. Windows dedicated servers are one of the best choices for hosting. Windows dedicated server carries a number of features for hosting that are: it has an ability to have multiple numbers of simultaneous remote graphical logins to your dedicated servers. (IIS 6.0) Internet Information Services, which has improved in performance as well as scalability in Windows, dedicated Server 2003. Windows dedicated servers is developed by SW-Soft, offers an active directory, having compatibility with Plesk, which is a control panel and it is competitively priced in order to manage cheap windows dedicated servers.

Visit http://www.ezzi.net/ for dedicated server, dedicated servers, virtual private server hosting, cheap dedicated servers and Linux dedicated servers.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/web-hosting-articles/windows-dedicated-servers-are-one-of-the-best-choices-for-hosting-3392808.html#ixzz1P9qM40pu
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution