June 13, 2011

dedicated servers wiki

Wiki websites have over the last few years grown quite significantly in both numbers and popularity. Wiki websites are basically websites that allow public postings, as well as in-browser editing and contributing from the general or target public. To simplify, it is a way to share anything from an article (like those seen at Wikipedia.org) to how-to's (like on Wikihow), which crowd sources for contributions.

Wiki websites can contain many features, which makes advice a case by case basis but the general minimum requirement is an environment enriched with PHP and MySQL. Generally the average wiki could get by smoothly with just a shared host, in fact the majority of wikis do just that, but if you reach the level of Wikipedia.org or have massive amounts of media or other large files that would exceed the limits set by a shared host then dedicated hosting is probably the best solution.

An alternative to maintaining your own host is to use what is called a wiki farm. Wiki farms are similar to free hosting, except that they work specifically for wiki websites, and are not always free. Wiki farms are great for trying your hand at the creation of a wiki page or for exploring the popularity of your specific page, but for anyone looking to make a profit and/or publish a professional and unique website you're best off steering clear. Wiki sites have a lot in common with other sites depending on what is published; for example if your wiki site focuses on media, you will find that the requirements are similar to a media based website.

All in all, when it comes to hosting a wiki page every scenario is different, but the norm is to go with shared hosting with at least PHP and MySQL.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/web-hosting-articles/hosting-for-a-wiki-website-3786710.html#ixzz1PA0KBVV7
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

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